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Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Universal JMX Client for Weblogic –Part 1: Monitoring BPEL Thread Pools in SOA 11g

Monitoring and optimizing BPEL Thread Pool utilization (and other metrics) is one of the key activities in performance tuning of BPEL/SOA based integrations. Although EM console provides some basic monitoring of the BPEL engine statistics, it is limited regarding the update interval, detail and the recording interval and cannot display historic data. Of course you can setup Grid Control 11g with its Repository, but this is in most cases too complex to setup just for monitoring during performance and load testing.
So, the idea came to create a tool which can easily record these statistics and export them to MS Excel or OpenOffice to create charts for the thread pool utilization over a time period (for example a whole load test execution).
All values of WLS or the SOA engine can be queried using the JMX MBean framework. I have designed the JMXClient to be able configure which MBeans should be queried by using a property file ( I decided to connect in this first release to only one Managed Server of WLS to record / export data. This means that if you have a WLS cluster, you need to start multiple JMX Clients to record the values of each node. (In a later release the JMX Client could be optimized to query all nodes automatically).
JMXClient can be used by downloading from the project page at Sourceforge.  (including JDeveloper project and sources)
After that you need to configure
  1. your connection properties, JAVA_HOME and WLS_HOME of  your WLS managed server of SOA in  jmxclient.bat (or
  2. the MBeans names, WLS Server name  and the attributes to record in classes/  (you can find the MBean names form the System MBean Browser in EM)
The syntax in jmxclient.bat is
java -cp classes;%INCLUDE_LIBS% jmxclient.JMXClient <server> <user> <password> -monitor 1000
For example
java -cp classes;%INCLUDE_LIBS% jmxclient.JMXClient 7001 weblogic welcome1 -monitor 1000
“1000” specifies the interval in milliseconds between the recording.
Then you can run it with
jmxclient > out.txt
Then simple import this text file using Excel or OpenOffice and a comma “,” as delimiter and create a line chart using line 2 as titles and lines 3 to end as data.
Let me first show a couple of results using JMXClient using the properties to record the BPEL thread pool statistics:
The following chart shows a scenario where the invoke thread pool is much too low (20) so that the queue of scheduled invocations waiting for a free thread is growing rapidly:
The second example shows a scenario where invoke and callback threads are within normal limits:
In the next posts I will show how to use JMXClient to record the BPEL process execution times or the number of messages in the AIA 11g JMS queues by simply exchanging the file…..!
Have fun,
DISCLAIMER: JMXClient is provided for free use “as is” without any support or warranty. Please provide enhancements or modifications you make yourself. Feedback is welcome using the comments feature of this blog.
PS: for the experts: the format of the file:
Every line contains 3 items separated by semicolon:
  1. the name of the MBean to query
  2. the attribute to query
  3. the title string which should be displayed for the column
Example for the bpel thread pools:
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/invoke,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_maxValue;Invoke Active Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/invoke,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_maxValue;Invoke Scheduled Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/invoke,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_value;Invoke Scheduled Current
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/invoke,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_value;Invoke Active Value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/invoke,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_value;Invoke Threads Value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/invoke,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_maxValue;Invoke Threads Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/system,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_maxValue;System Active Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/system,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_maxValue;System Scheduled Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/system,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_value;System Scheduled Current
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/system,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_value;System Active value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/system,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_value;Invoke Threads Value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/system,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_maxValue;Invoke Threads Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/engine,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_maxValue;Engine Active Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/engine,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_maxValue;Engine Scheduled Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/engine,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_value;Engine Scheduled Current
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/engine,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_value;Engine Active value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/engine,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_value;Engine Threads Value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/engine,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_maxValue;Engine Threads Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/audit,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_maxValue;Audit Active Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/audit,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_maxValue;Audit Scheduled Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/audit,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;scheduled_value;Audit Scheduled Max
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/audit,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;active_value;Audit Active value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/audit,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_value;Audit Threads Value
oracle.dms:Location=AdminServer,name=/soainfra/engines/bpel/requests/audit,type=soainfra_bpel_requests;threadCount_maxValue;Audit Threads Max

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